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Lawrence Wayne

Lawrence Wayne

Trace Materials Investigator
SGS Forensic Laboratories
 United States
Timezone: America/New_York

Lawrence Wayne has been a trace materials investigator for 33 years. He received his bachelor’s degree in physics from Michigan Technological University then spent 8 years as a microscopist in the US Air Force. Mr. Wayne then joined SGS Forensic Laboratories (formerly Forensic Analytical Specialties, Inc.) as a microscopists and researcher. His experience includes development of new service lines for the company, including wildfire residue testing, respirable silica by FTIR and trace materials analysis investigations, which includes analysis on a wide variety of cases from unknown white powder analysis to criminal forensics investigations. Mr. Wayne is a court qualified expert witness in trace evidence examination and gunshot residue testing, spent three years on the board of directors of the American Society of Trace Evidence Examiners (ASTEE) and is a fellow of the Royal Microscopical Society. He is also an instructor in the graduate forensic sciences program at the University of California at Davis, where he teaches courses in forensic microscopy.

Date & Time (EDT) Title Role
Friday, March 27, 2020
2:00pm - 3:00pm
Understanding Trace Materials Analysis Investigations Presenter


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