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Disengaged to Engaged Employees - The Impact on Your Culture

Monday, March 10, 2014 12:30pm - 1:30pm EDT  
Host: Association for Talent Development
By: Doug Lawrence, President, TalentC - People Services Inc.

Organizations today are faced with many challenges, some of which include: economic downturn, aging workforce, talent shortage, lack of succession planning/development, and a workforce that is disengaged. When you look around your work environment, do you as a leader/manager recognize the signs of a disengaged employee? Do you understand the impact that this can have on your organization as a whole? Some organizations that are not aware of this impact have chosen to bury their heads in the sand. They are victims of the ostrich syndrome—if they cannot see or hear it, then it must not be taking place. The truth is that the constant negativity occurring at the water cooler is slowly poisoning your work environment. You need to think of solutions before the poison overtakes your entire organization; you must maximize the positive energy of good employees and minimize the negative energy of disengaged ones. Good employees have said very clearly that if a negative culture does not change, then they will seek a position elsewhere. Remember that it is always the good employees that leave—because they can!

Join Doug Lawrence as he explores the signs of a disengaged as well as an engaged employee and how both types can impact a mentoring culture. He will share real life experiences of how the disengaged employee can harm your culture and disrupt productivity levels. He will also discuss the implementation of a mentoring culture. Doug will leverage past learning experiences to help you create an organization that has an engaged, empowered, and accountable workforce—enabled through a mentoring culture.

This presentation will benefit leaders and managers in any organization and HR practitioners who are struggling with a culture that is driven by negativity and disengaged workers. If you have any doubt this is you, then consider joining us for this presentation.

You will learn:

  • the signs/symptoms of a disengaged employee
  • the signs/symptoms of an engaged employee
  • how disengaged and engaged employees are impacting your current culture
  • how to implement a positive mentoring culture.


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Doug Lawrence
Doug Lawrence

President, TalentC - People Services Inc.

Doug Lawrence is the founder of TalentC® a human resources solution provider. He has over 35 years of mentoring and leadership experience in both the federal and provincial environments as well as the private sector.

Doug was instrumental in launching the first Provincial Human Resources mentoring program in Saskatchewan, and has worked with the HR Association in Manitoba to launch their human resources mentoring program. Doug is a member of the advisory boards for HR.com, the Futures Institute Inc., Ignite Adult Learning Corporation, and the Saskatchewan Institute of Applied Science and Technology. Doug is a member of the board of directors for the Nigeria Canada Forum.

Doug was instrumental in developing a curriculum to train people on how to become effective mentors. He has also created an International Certification for Mentors. The curriculum and the designation are accredited by a third party and are ISO compliant. TalentC is the only accredited training organization in the world today that can deliver the International Certification for Mentoring program. The curriculum has been pre-approved as a recertification credit provider with a number of organizations in Canada and the United States. Doug is a Certified Mentor Practitioner and a Certified Mentor Facilitator.

Doug has presented on mentor related topics that demonstrate the business value mentoring can bring to an organization. Doug's passion is contagious. He is committed to helping organizations and people be successful and has dedicated his life to coaching and mentoring others.