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ATD 2014 Mexico Summit Preview

Thursday, July 31, 2014 7:00pm - 7:45pm EDT  
Host: Association for Talent Development
By: ---anonymized--- ---anonymized---, ---anonymized---, ---anonymized--- and William J. Rothwell, President, Rothwell & Associates

Join Íñigo Sanchez-Cabezudo and William Rothwell to gain some insight on what to expect at the ATD 2014 Mexico Summit on October 14. Íñigo, ATD’s senior international relations manager, will provide some useful information about the first ever Mexico Summit. William will briefly discuss the session he will present at the Mexico Summit, titled The Leader’s Daily Role in Building Competencies and Developing Talent. This is a great opportunity to ask any questions you may have about the Mexico Summit.


Únase a Íñigo Sanchez-Cabezudo y William Rothwell para conocer todo sobre el ATD México Summit del 14 de Octubre. Íñigo, Senior Manager Regional de ATD, les contará que puede esperar sobre del ATD 2014 México Summit. William, experto mundial en gestión del talento y competencias, con más de 80 libros publicados; les dará un aperitivo sobre su ponencia de Octubre, El Día a Día del Líder Generando Competencias y Desarrollando El Talento. Esta es su oportunidad para ver si le interesa unirse a ATD en el primer evento en español para Latinoamérica que le traerá la ATD (Asociación para el Desarrollo de Talento) el 14 de Octubre en México DF.


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Íñigo Sanchez-Cabezudo is the senior international relations manager for Europe and Latin America at ATD, formally ASTD. He joined ATD two years ago as part of the international team. Currently, Íñigo also manages the Global HRD Spanish newsletter: Conexión Global.

Íñigo Sanchez-Cabezudo gestiona las relaciones internacionales de ATD con Europa y Latinoamérica. Desde hace dos años forma parte del equipo internacional de ATD, responsible de la expansion internacional de ATD en estos dos continentes. Actualmente dirije tambien la nueva newsletter de ATD en español de desarrollo de Recursos Humanos: Conexión Global.

William J. Rothwell
William J. Rothwell

President, Rothwell & Associates

William J. Rothwell, PhD, SPHR, is the president of Rothwell & Associates (www.rothwellandassociates.com) and professor in the Workforce Education and Development Program at the University Park campus of Penn State University. As a researcher he has been involved with the last five competency studies conducted by Association for Talent Development, formerly ASTD. In 2012 he won the association's prestigious Distinguished Contribution Award. He is author of 81 books and 250 articles in the field and had 20 years of experience in government and the private sector before becoming a college professor in 1993.