
Webvent Academy

Bringing Professionals Together

Learners Are From Mars, L&D Leaders Are From Venus: Understanding What Everyone Wants From Corporate Learning

Tuesday, April 3, 2018 2:00pm - 3:00pm EDT

Host: Association for Talent Development
By: Kabir Chadha, Global Head of Customer Success, Coursera and Seth-Aaron Martinez, PhD, Program Manager, Technical Talent Development , Adobe

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This Webinar has ended, but you can view its content in the archive below.

Your company needs talent with the latest skills to take advantage of emerging technologies and stay competitive. Investing in corporate learning and development not only helps companies grow talent from within and maintain a competitive edge, it’s also a boon for employees who feel more engaged at work and committed to their company. While everyone agrees that L&D in companies is a good thing, learners and L&D leaders don’t always see eye to eye on the details—preventing both sides from maximizing the ROI of corporate learning.

In this webcast, you will learn:

  • the truth behind what employers and employees each want and expect from a corporate learning program
  • what employees and employers agree is the biggest challenge when it comes to corporate learning tools and solutions
  • how companies can implement programs that bring together the best of what employers and employees want and need from corporate learning.


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Kabir Chadha
Kabir Chadha

Global Head of Customer Success, Coursera

Kabir is the global head of customer success at Coursera. He leads Coursera’s customer programs, advising and ensuring they are all driving learning outcome success. Before joining Coursera, Kabir was a business analyst at McKinsey and then went on to found Epoch Elder Care, which provides high-quality assisted living homes for seniors. Kabir received a BA in economics from Stanford University.

Seth-Aaron Martinez, PhD
Seth-Aaron Martinez, PhD

Program Manager, Technical Talent Development, Adobe

Dr. Seth-Aaron Martinez earned a PhD in instructional systems from Indiana University. At Stanford University, Seth designed learning experiences within the Graduate School of Business. Today, Seth now works at Adobe, managing the training and development of all technical talent.


  • Coursera