
Webvent Academy

Bringing Professionals Together

Driving Learning Culture Through Engagement

Wednesday, June 20, 2018 2:00pm - 3:00pm EDT

Host: Association for Talent Development
By: Tom Costello, Assistant Vice President, Talent Development, State Street Corporation

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When State Street Bank assessed their user experience for accessing learning, they encountered a number of challenges: 17 clicks to launch e-learning, inefficient curation and promotion of learning, and a long process to manage content. It was also difficult to accurately capture adoption and establish the value of learning to the company. As a result, they partnered with Skillsoft and tackled each of these challenges to deliver an improved learner experience with targeted programs that required only a single click to access content. As part of the process, the State Street team collaborated with learning partners across the organization on the alignment and promotion of content. They also established success criteria for their learning programs, and today deliver comprehensive data analysis against these criteria—continuously showing the value of learning to the bottom line.

In this webcast, you will:

  • See examples of success criteria for an e-learning program.
  • Learn how to assess and improve the user experience.
  • Learn how to engage internal stakeholders when aligning and promoting content.
  • See examples of successful program design through blended learning programs.
  • See an example of a successful digital transformation and project management program for all employees.



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Tom  Costello
Tom Costello

Assistant Vice President, Talent Development, State Street Corporation

Tom has more than 18 years of experience in the learning and development field. Currently he is an assistant vice president with State Street Bank, helping drive the online learning strategy by working closely with Skillsoft and other online vendors and leading an internal e-learning monthly forum.


  • Skillsoft