
Webvent Academy

Bringing Professionals Together

How Do I Develop a Personal Brand?

Monday, June 25, 2018 1:00pm - 2:00pm EDT  
Host: Association for Talent Development
By: Danielle Beauparlant Moser, Talent Management Executive, BLT Careers

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This Webinar has ended, but you can view its content in the archive below.

Whether you’re looking to get a promotion, grow in your position, reinvent yourself, discover your “second act,” or pursue entrepreneurial options, you need focus and a compelling pitch—a personal brand. Being able to hook your audience into wanting to talk to you is critical, because the discussion is where the decision to hire happens.

The expectation in today’s marketplace is that we are each able to articulate who we are as healthcare professionals, especially how what we do adds value. Gone are the days that we can use our pedigree (title, years of experience, schools we attended) to communicate that effectively.

Join us to learn more about the Career Management Diagnostic, an efficient way to focus on what your next best step is, and how to message it.

In this webcast, you’ll learn how to:

  • Articulate what a personal brand is and why it’s important in today’s dynamic market.
  • Use the Career Management Diagnostic to map in answers to questions you already have.
  • Use the Career Management Diagnostic to map in questions to which you need answers.
  • Develop a road map to use shared exercises to focus career development efforts and draft a personal branding statement.


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Danielle Beauparlant Moser
Danielle Beauparlant Moser

Talent Management Executive, BLT Careers

Danielle Beauparlant Moser was fortunate enough to discover her life’s passion while only in her 20s. Helping people make their lives better through their work is the unifying theme of her career—because life’s too short for work to stink.

Danielle is an executive consultant with Right Management/ManpowerGroup, a global talent management consulting organization, and managing partner with bltCareers, a boutique executive coaching firm. She works with clients (organizations and executives) using both leadership and career development as platforms from which to drive the employee experience and improve key performance indicators.