
Webvent Academy

Bringing Professionals Together

Unconscious Bias: What Does It Have to Do With Communication and Conflict Management?

Monday, June 10, 2019 2:00pm - 3:00pm EDT

Host: Association for Talent Development
By: Megan Johnson, Founder & CEO, JMJ Communication Group

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When you recognize your own talents and understand yourself and your own biases, you will become more confident. You will then be able to see past others’ biases and improve communication and avoid or manage conflict. Effective communication starts with an accurate perception—a perception of what the person meant by their words and actions. How do you know if your perception is accurate? It quickly becomes clear when you get angry, annoyed, aggravated, offended, insulted, and so on. Our perceptions are naturally biased; what affects our perceptions are our beliefs, values, and past life experiences—and everyone’s are unique. This is the kind of unconscious bias this webcast will focus on. The presenter will show you a few exercises and tools to help your trainees understand their biases and check their perception in daily interactions, including how to use a global organizational assessment tool to assess individual beliefs, values, and preferences.

When you are aware of what is influencing your view of the world and of others, you can take control of it. You will start to see your communication and relationships improve and will be better able to manage conflict.

In this webcast you will learn:

  • to recognize your own biases
  • to become more aware of your perception and its impact on communication
  • some exercises and tools to use in your training.


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Megan Johnson
Megan Johnson

Founder & CEO, JMJ Communication Group

Megan Johnson, MA (coach, trainer, consultant), is the founder and CEO of JMJ Communication Group based in Nashville, Tennessee. She has a passion for helping people better understand themselves in order to communicate effectively with others, build better relationships, and manage conflict.

Megan has been researching and teaching culture and communication for 15 years with the AMA, Joint Commission, and in higher education. She has conducted trainings and seminars in interpersonal, organizational, and team communication, as well as unconscious bias, conflict management, and public speaking. She has co-authored articles on communication in healthcare, organizational culture, and cultural competence, as well as co-authored books on personal development.