
Webvent Academy

Bringing Professionals Together

Make Your Value Visible: Telling Stories That Influence and Engage

Monday, January 28, 2019 12:00pm - 1:00pm EST

Host: Association for Talent Development
By: Lynne Waymon, CEO, Contacts Count

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Most people won’t be there when you have your shining moments. So, it’s through conversation—storytelling, to be exact—that others learn what to come to you for, what you’re good at, what to count on you and your team for. This one-hour webcast is chock-full of tips and examples. It’s designed specifically for training professionals who want a fresh and practical approach to gaining more influence in your organization and field.

Use stories to teach people about successful programs, pressing priorities, hot initiatives, and special projects. Tell stories as a tool for teaching and influencing people you manage and those you work with cross-functionally.

Learn the Contacts Count Five-Part Formula (segue, situation, SNAFU, solution, significance) for constructing and telling stories that stick and that people love listening to. Hear examples written in past workshops by others in talent development. You’ll make strategically placed stories a comfortable part of your conversations—without bragging!


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Lynne Waymon
Lynne Waymon

CEO, Contacts Count

Lynne Waymon, CEO of Contacts Count LLC, is an internationally known trainer and consultant who specializes in helping people put the tools of networking to work in the service of leadership and business goals. Clients in the past 25 years include CPA and law firms, HR professionals, Fortune 500s, universities, professional associations, nonprofits, entrepreneurs, and government agencies.

Lynne has a cadre of seven certified trainers across the United States who are experts in networking and serving Lynne’s clients. Lynne is the co-author of Strategic Connections: The New Face of Networking in a Collaborative World (2015, Harper Collins Leadership) and the originator of The 8 Networking Competencies that all her workshops, webinars, keynotes, and training programs are based on.