
Webvent Academy

Bringing Professionals Together

Transform Into a Workplace Rock Star by Managing Your Own Performance

Thursday, January 17, 2019 2:00pm - 3:00pm EST

Host: Association for Talent Development
By: Vivian Blade, CEO, Experts in Growth Leadership Consulting LLC

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The demands of a dynamic business environment mean that leaders are under constant pressure to get results, which requires a team of employees who can better self-manage and be proactive in adding value.

If you fail to take the initiative for ensuring you add meaningful value, you’ll find yourself left behind, stuck in the same job, or managed out. You’ll become a commodity—you’ll become dispensable.

Personal performance management puts you in the driver’s seat of your career. Manage your impact through high-value skills and outcomes. Be more in control of the messaging about your impact in a constant performance assessment environment. Manage this well, and your boss will see you as an extremely valuable resource they can’t afford to do without.

Join Vivian for this interactive workshop as she equips you to:

• avoid the three biggest mistakes that promote your dispensability.
• apply the 5 Foundations of Personal Performance Management, empowering you to become a rock star.
• as leaders and talent development professionals, coach others in adopting a Personal Performance Management mindset.



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Vivian Blade
Vivian Blade

CEO, Experts in Growth Leadership Consulting LLC

Vivian Blade is a recognized talent management expert, guiding companies in designing a leadership talent management framework that builds solid and sustainable bench strength in their leadership pipeline. Additionally, as an author, keynote speaker, trainer, and executive coach, her passion in building leaders and developing excellence empowers organizations and individuals to reach their full potential. In 2009, Vivian founded Experts in Growth Leadership Consulting. She works with many global organizations, such as Johnson & Johnson, Proctor & Gamble, and GE, as well as individual professionals. Vivian is the author of the book FuelForward: Discover Proven Practices to Fuel Your Career Forward.