
Webvent Academy

Bringing Professionals Together

Address the Skills Gap Challenge With Micro-Credentialing

Wednesday, May 29, 2019 2:00pm - 3:00pm EDT

Host: Association for Talent Development
By: Jeff Salin, Senior Learning Solutions Consultant, D2L

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This Webinar has ended, but you can view its content in the archive below.

Micro-credentialing is a great way to track upskilling and certification for learners within organizations. This session will cover how micro-credentialing supports ongoing professional development and personalized learning pathways as it pertains to progress, accomplishments, and skills. Learn how other organizations are leveraging open badges to address the skills gap challenge.

By attending this session, you will:

  • Define the open badge framework.
  • Learn how badges help solve the skills gap and how clients are using them to transform their learning culture.
  • Discover strategies for badging effectively at your organization. 



Please register above to view this Webinar.


Jeff Salin
Jeff Salin

Senior Learning Solutions Consultant, D2L

Jeff Salin is a senior instructional designer in the Learning and Creative Services department at D2L. He is a passionate educator, focusing on scenario-based learning, gamification, and competency-based education. He’s also into audio engineering, music, triathlons, and all things food.


  • D2L Corporation