
Webvent Academy

Bringing Professionals Together

Projects, Emotions, and Hoosiers: An Indianapolis Core 4 Preview

Thursday, August 29, 2019 2:00pm - 3:00pm EDT

Host: Association for Talent Development
By: Lou Russell, Duchess of Learning, Russell Martin & Associates

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L&D is effective only when projects and emotions align to drive impact. It takes PROCESS plus PEOPLE to grow learning. Join Lou Russell as she shares a preview of her two Core 4 sessions: “Project Charter in 45 Minutes or Less,” and “The Power of You: Emotional Intelligence.” Lou lives in Indianapolis, so as a special bonus, she will share tips about fun places to check out while you’re in the city for Core 4. 


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Lou Russell
Lou Russell

Duchess of Learning, Russell Martin & Associates

Lou Russell is the CEO/Queen of Russell Martin & Associates, an executive consultant, speaker and author whose passion is to grow companies by growing their people. She is the author of The Accelerated Learning Fieldbook , Project Management for Trainers, Training Triage, IT Leadership Alchemy, Leadership Training , 10 Steps to Successful Project Management and Managing Projects. Here newest workbook is Talent GPS: A AManger's Guide to Navigating the Employee Development Journey. Her most recent TD@work is Leading Technical Talent. Through speaking, training and writing, Lou draws on 30 years of helping organizations achieve their full potential. She inspires improvement in leadership, project management and individual growth. Lou’s upbeat style, and humorous stories about on-the ground experiences will give you the passion and tools to improve the bottom line. You will be moving, laughing, participating, inspired and challenged. Most importantly to Lou, you will learn.