
Webvent Academy

Bringing Professionals Together

Emotional Intelligence: Essential Skill of the Future Workplace

Wednesday, November 20, 2019 2:00pm - 3:00pm EST

Host: Association for Talent Development
By: Cranla Warren, PhD, Vice President, Leadership Development, Institute for Health and Human Potential (IHHP) and Patricia Maslov, Managing Director, KPMG

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Emotional intelligence (EI) has already been acknowledged as a significant differentiator in achieving excellence in individual engagement, product innovation, and customer experiences. Its importance as a skill will only increase over the next decade.

Attend this webcast featuring IHHP’s organizational psychologist, Cranla Warren, to engage in learning related to the research linking the need for individuals and organizations to develop emotional intelligence as the key skill required to thrive in the face of automation and rapid change in the world of work.

Special guest Tricia Maslov, managing director of executive education at KPMG, will share her experience of the importance of emotional intelligence in industries that have traditionally focused on the importance of technical skills.

Attendees will learn:

  • why the need for EI as a foundational skill will grow beyond being a desired leadership competency to become a foundational skill for everyone in the organization
  • the challenges individuals and organizations that have relied strongly on technical and IQ based skills (such as computer science, accounting, and IT) will face
  • how to effectively integrate the skill of EI at all levels and all functions to gain a competitive advantage as your organization approaches the next decade.


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Cranla Warren, PhD
Cranla Warren, PhD

Vice President, Leadership Development, Institute for Health and Human Potential (IHHP)

As a lifelong student of human behavior, a psychotherapist and family therapist turned organizational psychologist, Cranla Warren believes that a strong foundation of emotional intelligence builds great leaders, fosters employee engagement, and creates great places to work. She has a wealth of knowledge and professional experience in the areas of collaboration, values-based leadership, coaching, and strategic business execution. Dr. Warren holds a PhD in organizational psychology and a professional post-graduate certificate in leadership. She is currently the vice president of leadership development at the Institute for Health and Human Potential.

Patricia Maslov
Patricia Maslov

Managing Director, KPMG

As the managing director of KPMG Executive Education, Tricia Maslov has extensive experience assisting clients in analyzing business needs and identifying and developing performance improvement solutions to support the achievement of business goals. She has facilitated working sessions to design communication and learning strategies. Tricia has built curricula covering audit methodology and procedures, accounting change including revenue recognition, and the new leasing standard and employee on-boarding practices.


  • Institute for Health and Human Potential