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The Neuroscience of DISC: Reinventing the Styles to Make Them Brain-Friendly

Wednesday, April 8, 2020 2:00pm - 3:00pm EDT

Host: Association for Talent Development
By: Merrick Rosenberg, CEO, Take Flight Learning

Companies invest time and money in DISC (Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, and Conscientiousness) assessments and training, yet most fail to see any sustained or measurable results. Perhaps this is because the styles are being taught in a way that puts them into short-term memory, so they never get triggered for application. During this webcast, personality guru and award-winning DISC author Merrick Rosenberg will share strategies and insights for conducting DISC training that sticks.
In this webcast, you will discover how to:
• Build emotional intelligence through personality styles training.
• Transform training from awareness of a model to an intensive focus on application.
• Transition from empty acronyms to using mnemonics (or memory aids) that infuse the styles into your daily behaviors.
• Use brain chemistry to build strong interpersonal connections using the styles.
• Turn styles training from a one-time event to a reinforced process that incorporates the styles into your organizational culture.


Merrick Rosenberg
Merrick Rosenberg

CEO, Take Flight Learning

Merrick Rosenberg is a keynote speaker, entrepreneur, and thought leader on personality styles. He co-founded Team Builders Plus in 1991 and Take Flight Learning in 2012. Rosenberg is the author The Chameleon and co-author of Taking Flight!. Under his leadership, his company has been selected as the NJBIZ Business of the Year and named one of the fastest-growing companies and Best Places to Work in the Philadelphia region. Merrick earned his master’s of business administration degree from Drexel University, which named him an Alumni Entrepreneur of the Year. Rosenberg has worked with more than half of the Fortune 100 companies in the United States and around the world and has led DISC training programs for more than 30,000 people and spoken to tens of thousands more about how to incorporate the personality styles in their work and lives. The DISC training program that he designed, Taking Flight With DISC, was recognized as the Best Personality Styles Training Program in the United States by Corporate Vision magazine.
Publications regularly seek his input, as he has been interviewed by the New York Times, Fast Company, Fortune, Huffington Post, Forbes, the Wall Street Journal, InformationWeek, Parents, and Glamour. Rosenberg is also a sought-after guest on radio and television shows.


  • Take Flight Learning