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Creating Effective Telework Programs in the Federal Workplace

Thursday, May 31, 2012 9:45am - 11:00am EDT  
Host: Association for Talent Development
By: Katie McGrath, OPM and Ryan Hendricks

This seminar on Telework in Federal agencies will cover the essentials for creating and maintaining a successful telework program. The seminar is divided into two topic areas. For the first topic area will review the three pronged approach to establishing telework for success: Communication, Agreed upon Expectations, and a Results-Focused Performance Plan. The last topic area review several items that should be addressed when developing a telework agreement: (1) Expectations of Roles and Responsibilities, (2) Telework Readiness and Safety, (3) Equipment and Technology Support, (4) Security, (5) Work Schedule, (6) Communication Strategy, and (7) Telework Deferral, Denial, and Termination. Overall, the seminar will cover why it is crucial for supervisors and employees to discuss each of these topics in detail at the beginning of and throughout a telework agreement, as well as some examples.


Webinar Recording

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Katie McGrath


Kate McGrath is an HR Consultant with the U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM). As a performance management consultant, Kate has worked on and led a variety of projects including reviewing and consulting on SES, SL/ST, and Non-SES performance plans, delivering performance management training at the Eastern Management Development Center, facilitating focus groups, developing standard assessments, leading the development and training on critical leadership competencies, and facilitating position classification. Kate assisted in the R&D effort to identify and develop telework services, and managed the pilot project to implement and test the telework services. Kate holds a MS in Industrial/Organizational Psychology and a BS in Psychology from Missouri State University.

Ryan Hendricks

Ryan Hendricks is an HR Consultant with the U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM). During his tenure with OPM, Ryan has performed job analyses and assisted Federal Agencies with their staffing needs, reviewed Senior Executive performance plans against OPM requirements, assisted in developing and implementing trainings on telework, and conducted analyses to determine telework eligibility for Federal job positions. In addition, Ryan has written and published articles detailing his personal experiences with telework and providing tips for successfully implementing telework for work groups. His latest project includes developing a Telework Satisfaction Survey to assess Federal employees on several telework related dimensions. Ryan holds a MS in Industrial/Organizational Psychology from George Mason University and a BA in Psychology from The Pennsylvania State University.