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Culture as a Competitive Advantage

Tuesday, September 18, 2012 11:00am - 12:00pm EDT  
Host: Association for Talent Development
By: Dan Pontefract, Senior Director / Head of Learning & Collaboration, TELUS

TELUS is at the forefront of using social tools for learning. During this webcast find out how engagement, exploration, and explanation come together. Learn from 2012 BEST Award winner TELUS and Dan Pontefract, who are featured in an at C-Level interview in this month’s T+D. Dan will also be a featured speaker at ASTD 2013. Hear firsthand from one of the innovators in our profession and find out more about what makes TELUS one of the BEST organizations when it comes to learning.

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Dan Pontefract
Dan Pontefract

Senior Director / Head of Learning & Collaboration, TELUS

Dan is responsible for the overarching learning and collaboration strategy at TELUS. He has driven a philosophical and cultural shift in the way TELUS views and experiences learning and leadership called “Learning 2.0”; the shift to a social, informal and formal learning and collaboration model for all 35,000+ team members, bringing TELUS to the forefront of learning leadership. In addition to these actions, Dan founded and chairs the TELUS 2.0 Adoption Council; a cross-functional group of leaders aimed at helping drive a culture of collaboration and engagement across the organization.

Dan is a passionate leader in the learning, Enterprise 2.0, leadership and collaboration space. He is uniquely skilled to ensure an organization can move from traditional cultures of engagement, leadership and learning to one that embraces non-traditional forms that embody the unique integration of open leadership, Enterprise 2.0 technologies & processes along with a formal/informal/social modes of learning.