
Webvent Academy

Bringing Professionals Together

More Turbulent Change

Wednesday, December 12, 2012 12:00pm - 1:00pm EST  
Host: Association for Talent Development
By: Peter Garber

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This program focuses on the fact that most people (if honest) really don't like change. After all, change takes you out of your comfort zone into something unknown even frightening. However, learning to deal more effectively with change can be one of the most important survival skills you can learn in today's increasingly changing world. The theme of the program is that when change knocks on the door that you need to get up off the sofa and answer the door. The program covers tips on what you should do when you hear about the next organizational change, the timing of change, 12 Early Warning Signs change may be coming, changing your attitude about change, the politics of change and unexpected consequences of change.


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Peter Garber
Peter Garber

Peter R. Garber is the author of over 50 books and training tools on a wide variety of Human Resource topics including the upcoming book More Turbulent Change published by ASTD. Mr. Garber has worked as a Human Resource Professional for over 30 years and is also an adjunct faculty member at the University of Pittsburgh.