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So You Want to Design an Instructional Game? Five Things You NEED to Know

Wednesday, December 19, 2012 12:00pm - 1:00pm EST  
Host: Association for Talent Development
By: Karl Kapp, Professor of Instructional Technology, Bloomsburg University, Institute for Interactive Technologies and Koreen Pagano, Founder, Thrive

What does it take to design a serious game? How do you create instruction that is not only meaningful and educational, but also (dare we say it) fun? What steps do you need to follow during the design process, and which steps are most critical for success? Most important, how do you even get started?

This webinar provides five practical guidelines you can use to design a game that results in valuable learning outcomes. You will learn research-based tips and techniques for designing effective—and engaging—instructional games. If you want to learn how to design successful games for learning this is the place to start. Join game experts Karl M. Kapp and Koreen Olbrish as they discuss five key factors you need to know to develop an “epic” instructional game


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Karl Kapp
Karl Kapp

Professor of Instructional Technology, Bloomsburg University, Institute for Interactive Technologies

Karl Kapp is a professor of instructional technology at Bloomsburg University in Bloomsburg, PA and is the author behind the widely read “Kapp Notes” blog and a regular contributor to ASTD’s “Learning Circuits” blog. Karl has written five books on the convergence of learning and technology. His latest book, The Gamification of Learning and Instruction is where much of the material for this presentation is discussed in more detail. In his Gamification book, Karl explores the research and theoretical foundations behind effective game-based learning. He examines everything from variable reward schedules to the use of avatars to the use of games to teach pro-social behaviors. Karl is committed to helping organization’s develop a strategic, enterprisewide approach to organizational learning. He believes that effective education and training are the keys to increased productivity and profitability. He can be reached at www.karlkapp.com.

Koreen Pagano
Koreen Pagano

Founder, Thrive

Koreen Olbrish, senior product manager for lyndaCampus at lynda.com, is passionate about helping people learn more effectively. Koreen advocates new ways of using technology for organizational learning, with an emphasis on performance improvement and behavioral change. She has strong ties to education, having received her MS in curriculum and instruction from Penn State University. She helped start Freire Charter School in 1999, and founded Tandem Learning in 2008 to demonstrate the untapped potential of immersive learning design. An internationally recognized speaker and organizational consultant, Koreen teaches graduate courses at Harrisburg University, writes the blog Learning in Tandem, and authored the upcoming book Immersive Learning.