
Webvent Academy

Bringing Professionals Together

Maggie Sass

Maggie Sass

Executive Vice President of Applied Research
TalentSmartEQ (Emotional Intelligence)
San Diego California
Timezone: America/New_York

As the EVP of Applied Research at TalentSmartEQ, Maggie is passionate about championing company’s assessment data platform, directing the evolution of the EQ assessment suite offerings, and collaborating with sales to help translate research into practical, scalable solutions for clients. Maggie believes that EQ is more important than ever for individuals, teams, and organizations to create inclusive workplaces where individuals can be their authentic selves and to help organizations deliver value for clients and shareholders.

Prior to joining the TalentSmartEQ team, she spent over 10 years at the Center for Creative Leadership in various roles including Senior Faculty, Global Portfolio Manager, and most recently, Leadership Solutions Partner, as a facilitator, consultant, and designer of leadership development solutions. She also ran her own consulting firm for the last 8 years focused on organizational development, strategic planning, career development and executive coaching, and facilitation. Maggie is an adjunct professor at the California School of Professional Psychology, teaching graduate courses in organizational psychology and serving on doctoral research committees. She has written for the Consulting Psychology Journal and Talent Management Magazine and contributed to the Handbook of Coaching Psychology and the Handbook of Coaching in Organizations. Maggie received a Ph.D. from the California School of Professional Psychology and a B.A. in psychology from University of California, Berkeley.

Date & Time (EST) Title Role
Tuesday, March 1, 2022
2:00pm - 3:00pm
Shattering the Top Four Misconceptions About Culture, Teams, and Success Presenter
